Exchange Server 2010 SP3 Update Rollup 8 okazał się być problematyczny we współpracy z Outlook. Poprawiał jedną ważną dla mnie rzecz: 3004235: Exchange Server meetings in Russian time zones as well as names of time zones are incorrect after October 26, 2014. Dwa produkty tego samego producenta I mają problem z dogadywaniem się… nie pierwszy raz… Na technecie możemy znaleźć notkę:
Update 12/12/2014:
Exchange Server 2010 SP3 Update Rollup 8 has been re-released to the Microsoft download center resolving a regression discovered in the initial release. The update RU8 package corrects the issue which impacted users connecting to Exchange from Outlook. The issue was insulated to the MAPI RPC layer and was able to be isolated to quickly deliver the updated RU8 package. The updated RU8 package is version number 14.03.0224.002 if you need to confirm you have the updated package. The updates for Exchange Server 2013 and 2007 were not impacted by this regression and have not been updated.
Więc podobno już ma być dobrze… Ja jednak poczekam…
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